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胡平清, 副教授,博士學位、碩士研究生導師🧑🏼‍🔧。

教學方面,承擔了武“武術散打專項訓練”、“自衛防身術”、“公安學基礎理論”等近10門課程的教學訓練工作👃🏻;訓練方面🫁,近些年來一直從事EON4官网EON4招商短兵代表隊的訓練工作✬,他培養了眾多短兵運動員,他們曾多次在全國比賽中取得優異成績。科研方面🗽,他發表或參與發表了10余篇論文🧑🏿‍🎨;獨著🏜、主編或參編了10 余本書籍;主持或參與了近10項重大課題。社會服務方面🪢🧏🏿‍♂️,多次參加全國性短兵的研討工作🧑🏻‍🔬,全國短兵教練員🥲、裁判員培訓等工作🙅🏿‍♀️。

Dr. HU Pingqing,  master graduate tutor.

In terms of teaching, he has undertaken nearly 10 courses including “Training of Wushu Sanda”, “Self-defense” and “Basic Theory of Public Security” etc.. In terms of training, he has been focusing on Short-sword Fighting Arts training at China Wushu School of BSU in recent years, and has cultivated numerous Short-sword Fighting Arts athletes, who have achieved outstanding results in national competitions. In terms of scientific research, he has published or co-published more than 10 papers, edited or compiled more than 10 books independently or cooperatively and hosted or participated in nearly 10 major research programs🤾🏼;In terms of social services, he has participated in the forum of Short-sword Fighting Arts , and the coaches and referees training of Short-sword Fighting Arts for many times.

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